Deed Proprietors Book; page 112. Canaan, Connecticut

Note: Survey Bill for Abraham Hollenbeck and Peter Hogoboom.

The survey and of Peter Hogoboom and Abraham Holenback first thiry acre pitch it lying near the Cobble so called(?) southerly partly bounded on Jonson's heirs land and partly on Jonson's land westerly and northerly on Common land easterly on Bishop's land the southeast corner bounds is a stake from thence running west 80 rods to a stake and stone thence north 20 degrees west 60 rods to a stake and stone thence running east 80 rods to Bishop's land to a stake then south 20 degrees east 60 rods to the first mentioned stake which makes 30 acres surveyed by the needle(?) of the instrument June 5, 1740 by me John Ashley (surveyor)

This survey bill recorded June 21, 1740
David Whitney - Proprietors clerk

Ephraim Fellows
David Whitney

Canaan Connecticut Deed; Volume Proprietors Book, page 112