Deed Proprietors Book page 136. Canaan, Connecticut

Note: Survey Bill for three tracts of land belonging to Abraham Hollenbeck and Peter Hogoboom

The survey and bounds of Peter Hogoboom and Abraham Holinback's twenty acre pitch in first going over in the sixth division of land in Canaan by number the nineteeth pitch lying in three parts the first part lying joining to said Halinback's land bounded north on said Holinback's land east west and south on undivided land beginning at a white oak stadel thence north 15 degrees east seven rods to a stake standing in the line of said Holinback's land. Thence east bounded north by said land 15 degrees south twenty rods to a heap of stones thence south 14(?) degrees west ten rods to a stake. Thence to the bounds first mentioned containing one acre and ten rods.

The second piece joining to said Holinbeck's land bounded west on said Halinback's land north east and south on common land. Bounded beginning at a poplar bush which is the southeast corner. Thence running west eight rods to a black oak stadel which is a corner thence north bounded by said Halinback's land twenty four rods to a white oak stadel. Thence east 15 rods to a black oak to said bounds first mentioned. Containing one acre and one hundred and twenty eight rods

The third part lying near the northwest corner of the town(?) bounded west on Housatonick River south on [?] Roberts' land east and north on undivided land beginning at a pine tree standing upon the branch of the river which is the northwest corner. Thence east 29 south thirty six rods to a pine tree. Thence south 29 degrees west fifty eight rods to a stake standing in the line of said Roberts' land. Thence [?]west 29 degrees north fifty five rods to the river so bounded by the river to the bounds first mentioned. Containing sixteen acres and seventy nine rods. Containing [?] the whole twenty acres laid out by the needle of the instrument April 12, 1743 by me [?] - surveyor.

This survey bill recorded December 6, 1743 by me David Whitney Proprietor's clerk

Ephraim [?]
Uriah [?]

Canaan Connecticut Deed; Volume Proprietors Book, page 136