Note: Survey of land laid out to Abraham Hollenbeck
The survey and bounds of land laid out to Abraham Hollenbeck upon the right that belongs to Capt. Peter Hogoboom and him said Hollenbeck being two acres of the 84th [?] by number in the 2nd going over in the [?] division of land in said Canaan lying on the Town hill (joining?) to his own land bounding east on the Highway west on his own land bounded as follows: Begins at a heap of stones in the east-most line of his land 5 rods south of north(?) east corner then east 2 degrees south 20 rods to a heap of stones by the west side of the 6 Rod Road; then south 30 degrees west 20 rods to a heap of stones; then west 15 rods and a half to a heap of stones; thence to the first mentioned bounds. Laid out by the Needle of the Instrument in Canaan May 1744 [?] Stevens Surveyor and recorded May 6th 1789 by [??]
Canaan, Litchfield County Connecticut Deed; Proprietors Book page ??