This is Chapter 7 -- Tables

Maybe you want to go back to Chapter Six.

I will make a sample table:

First some notes. The <th> element stands for table headers, and it bolds the table headers.

The <caption> element allows you to give your table a short title.

The 'width=' attribute to the 'table' element is not part of the 'strict' doctype. However, I used it here. I set the width for each column. I also used 'align=' within <tr> and <td> because it is allowed (I think.) 'Background=','cellspacing=', and 'cellpadding=' should be left to CSS.

This caption is inside the 'caption' element. The 'align=' attribute allows the caption to be aligned to the right, left, or bottom of the table
  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 This column is here to show how 'rowspan=' works.
Fiction 5000 5034 5435 6001
Non-Fiction 7432 7563 7740 8500
This row is here to show how the 'colspan=' works.

Chapter Eight -- Web Forms

The form elements are:
<form> -- This indicates the start and end of the form.
<input> -- This element is used to collect several types of data. The type of data is set by the 'type' attribute.
<textarea> -- Creates large multiline box into which text can be entered.
<select> and <option> are used in combination to create a list of choices.
<fieldset> -- creates logical groupings. <legend> is used to label a fieldset.

Go to my web form.