Note: Aaron S. Kreider sells his house and lot at 515 E. Main St. to Alvin Kettering.
This deed made the first day of December, the the year nineteen hundred and twenty-one (1921), Between Aaron S. Kreider and Lizzie B. Kreider his wife, of the township of North Annville, in the county of Lebanon and state of Pennsylvania, parties of the first part and hereinafter called the grantors, and Alvin K. Kettering, of the town and township of Annville, in the county and state aforesaid, party of the second part and hereinafter called the grantee.
Witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of nine thousand ($9.000) dollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey to the said grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. All that certain messuage, tenement, house and lot or piece of ground, situated in the township of Annville, formerly in North Annville township, in the county of Lebanon and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at an iron pipe in the north side of East Main Street, also known as the William Penn Highway, and formerly known as the Berks and Dauphin Turnpike Road, being the south-west corner of lot of C. M. Coover; thence along the north side of said East Main Street or William Penn Highway south seventy-eight degrees west one hundred and seventy-seven feet, more or less, to a stone; thence along the east side of land of Frederick M. Yake north eight and three-fourths degrees west two hundred and four feet, more or less, to an iron pipe in the centre of Lebanon Alley; thence along the centre of said Lebanon Alley north seventy-eight degrees east one hundred and seventy-eight and one-fourth feet, more or less, to an iron pipe; thence along the west side of land of C. M. Coover south eleven degrees thirty minutes east two hundred and one and one-fourth feet, more of less, to the place of Beginning.
Said house being known as no. " " East Main Street in the town of Annville. It being a part of the same premises which Emma Elizabeth Light and her husband, Nathaniel Light by their indenture bearing date the eleventh day of October, A. D. 1898, and recorded in the office for the recording of deeds in and for the said county of Lebanon in Deed Book "U", Vol. "3", page "605", did grant and convey unto Aaron S. Kreider, one of the above-named grantors his heirs and assigns forever. And the said grantors, do hereby warrant generally the property hereby conveyed. In witness whereof, said grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Anna M. Wolf
Signatures of Aaron S. Kreider and Lizzie B. Kreider
State of Pennsylvania, County of Lebanon, SS:
On this thirteenth day of March A. D. 1922, before me a notary public in and for the said county and state personally came the above named Aaron S. Kreider and Lizzie B. Kreider, his wife, and acknowledged the foregoing deed to be their act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.
Recorded Aug. 22, 1922
John H. Miller - Recorder
Deed Book V; Volume 5; Page 544. Lebanon County Recorder of Deeds Office