
I parked along what I believe is Laurel Drive, in a parking area. I took off up the hill in a southwesterly direction. At the interection of Elders Run Trail and the Horse-Shoe Trail I took the Horse-Shoe Trail. The yellow blazes were few and far between. Eventually I realized there were no yellow blazes. I continued on until the road I had been following ended somewhere in game lands 46. On the way back I followed a trail that led back down to Laurel Drive. I followed the road for a while then found a trail back into the game lands, then ended up walking along the road again. It looks like no one is keeping up the Horse-Shoe Trail in this area.
Before this hike I had my annual look at the Snowgeese. Their numbers were down this year in general, and on this day specifically. Saw some Ring-Necked Ducks for the first time that I can remember.
Photos: Chipmunk, Canada Geese, Snowgoose, Snowgoose, Snowgoose