I bought myself a javascript book and I'm going to start reading it. (2/27/2009)
An alert is a pop-up box. Displaying an alert box involves writing code to call the JavaScript alert() function and passing it the text you want to display.
This face will frown 30 seconds after the page loads. This is due to the javascript timer function setTimeout().
- The document object represents the webpage itself.
- The Client window is only the part of the browser window that displays a webpage.
- Use document object properties to set the client window width.
- The body.clientWidth and body.clientHeight properties of the document hold the width and height of the client window (these apparently only work in IE). "Body" refers to the code that lies between the html "body" tags.
- There's a style object for every element on a web page, so you can access the width and height of any piece or part of a page. But to access styles, you first need to access the web page element itself. This requires the getElementById() method of the document object. The code that accesses the height of the face image on this page is: document.getElementById("face").style.height.
Form comparison. These forms are not working at this time.
This form uses PHP.
Pretend you are buying something.
This form uses JavaScript